4 Tips For Running Successful Online Contest


VIP Contributor
So many want to organize a successful online contest to achieve a particular result but they don't know how. This short thread is for you

Set Goals and Rules

Do I need to inform you of the aim for your contest, I guess you know by now. Brand awareness, engagement boosting or increasing email list, you should properly define your goal. Set the rules and requirements so the winner will be chosen Fairly.


You should choose the right platform, ensure you don't miss this part. For visual contests, Instagram is advisable, Twitter is always good for retweets and follow contest.

Enticing Prices.

According to your brand and niche, carefully select the prize suitable for your audience (winner). You can offer your products. You should make the prize exclusive so people would be motivated. It could be a free trip too.

Promote Your Product

Don't just sit back and watch, promote your contest, it's very important to complete the stages that would work like magic. Email newsletter, social media, twitter (x) and through influencers, couple of this methods will work.