5 things to avoid in life


Active member
1. Never try smoking or taking hard drugs- why would anyone smoke or take hard drugs, in my own opinion smoking and doing drugs is one of the most stupid thing anyone can do, because you slowly killing your self.
2. Never ignore your parents- they made you who you are today unless you choose to follow a wrong path, supported you financially for years and gave you emotional support when needed.
3. Never let anyone control your life- it's your life don't let anyone control it or anything. You are the master of it and it's not worth giving power to someone else. Although it's not always people that control us other things like social medias, technologies and bad habits.
4. Never avoid your health- try to live as long as you can and there is no better way to do that than to be healthy in every aspect of your life both physically, mentally and emotionally.
5. Never spend more than you earn - it may sound ridiculous but many people do, always save for raining days and invest in your future, spend smart and wise.
Anyother than this your opinions will be appreciated.
There are five things to avoid in life and those five things are listed below:
(1). You must not be a borrower: Be contented with what you have and do not live your life by comparing yourself to others. Let what you have at present satisfy you. If not, you will see that you become a borrower by looking for how to compete with others.
(2). You must not do away with other peoples' properties, by so doing such an individuals is refers to as thief; and his / her reputation has been damaged.
(3).Do not have closed relationship with bad friends: Always go along with good friend not bad friends because bad friend can tarnish one's image.
(4)Do not be a troubled make in the place of your abode.
(5).Do not be enemy of other peoples' progress
You mentioned very well those key points that we should never do. I agree with it completely and follow most of those. Drugs' effects are very bad on the person's health who is consuming. Also, it affects the society in which he/she is living. I have seen such persons in my relations where when I went there, they shouted at everyone and don't even know what they are doing at that time. Some people also feel sad about it later on, what they did. It helps them to come out of it, but most people struggle very much to get out of this trap.
And, you told right about the suggestions that we should listen suggestions of seniors but analyze ourselves that what is appropriate for me.
Very well defined. ?
If we want happiness to stay with us forever, then it's essential to make sure it doesn't fall into pitfalls. Oftentimes, we get afraid of what negative things people might say about us and end up trying to please everybody. That is one of the major pitfall which turns into a vain attempt. We should focus on the right thing and right people than wasting our energy on the wrong ones.

Also, we should learn to be contempt with our life and be grateful for what we have and count our blessings. As in Marcus Aurelius words, "The hapiness of our life depends on the quality of our thoughts."
1. Never try smoking or taking hard drugs- why would anyone smoke or take hard drugs, in my own opinion smoking and doing drugs is one of the most stupid thing anyone can do, because you slowly killing your self.
2. Never ignore your parents- they made you who you are today unless you choose to follow a wrong path, supported you financially for years and gave you emotional support when needed.
3. Never let anyone control your life- it's your life don't let anyone control it or anything. You are the master of it and it's not worth giving power to someone else. Although it's not always people that control us other things like social medias, technologies and bad habits.
4. Never avoid your health- try to live as long as you can and there is no better way to do that than to be healthy in every aspect of your life both physically, mentally and emotionally.
5. Never spend more than you earn - it may sound ridiculous but many people do, always save for raining days and invest in your future, spend smart and wise.
Anyother than this your opinions will be appreciated.
Yup that are good things which you have discribed but I have something more to add in these like we never tell a lie just for enhance our product because I see many people that tell a lie to sell their things but due to low quality things many customers got skin problem due to beauty products or other problems according to products it's not good to harm other just to take money
Interesting write up you have here and valid points you made. One of the most important thing I tend to avoid in life is smoking. It's even stated on the pack an in advertisement that smokers are liable to die young. If a company is telling me that I might die young if I use their products then why on Earth should I use it?. To further add, I am trying to control how I spend because I tend to spend more than I earn which is very bad as my expenses would be greater than my income. It's something I am working on and I hope I come out string here. Lastly, I tend to monitor my health like Hawk and I have vowed starting from this new year to eat healthy.
There are thousands of things and individual should avoid in his life in order to remain motivated , healthy , and poised but if we were to consider health-relatedly because this is a health forum , an individual must avoid any kind of activity that deplete his or her health . the habit of smoking and over drinking is one of the most common habits that has been depleting people held for the past years . To remain healthy and keep a sound body and mind an individual must avoid smoking and over drinking . It is not bad to drink alcohol because alcohol could be used to cure some stomach health related issues but what is bad about alcohol is over drinking it out of moderation .

Another factor that affect our health that we must not neglect if you want to live healthy is our environment . Our environment has a big effect on our health and also determines how long will live and how long we want to stay healthy . Living in a dirty , untidy , and unclean environment put us as risk to encounter some deadly disease and infections that could be life threatening .