5 Types of Google Ads Ads That Can Increase Traffic


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Goodle Ads is known as the leading and most effective advertising platform for advertising products or brands, so by placing an ad on Google, it turns out that not only will the website or band become famous, but the advertiser will also get other benefits such as having a higher percentage of visibility.

However, we also have to know the types of advertisements found on Google Ads so that advertisers can adjust their marketing strategies according to their choices and target markets in a relevant and effective way. Here are several types of Google ads that can increase website traffic as follows:

1. Search Ads When users browse and enter keywords in a search engine, search adverts will appear, making it easier for visitors to find the products they are looking for, so search adverts will not only help business people find potential customers but will also increase website/store traffic.

2. Video Ads Video campaigns are often displayed on YouTube channels or Google video partner websites that can display messages interactively. Business people can choose the type of video ad that suits their goals.

3. Display Ads Display ads can be in the form of banners, images, text, videos displayed on Google partner websites/blogs, which have provided advertising space.

4. Shopping Ads Shopping Ads will appear in search engines (SERP) when users search for a product. which can display complete product advertisements such as prices, product images, shop names, etc.

5. Apps Ads Apps will be displayed directly on Google PlayStore, or the Google Apps partner network.
Google Ads is renowned for being a leading and highly effective advertising platform that helps businesses gain visibility and drive traffic to their websites. Utilizing Google Ads can significantly enhance brand awareness and offer numerous benefits to advertisers, including higher visibility and potential customer reach. To maximize the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns, it’s essential to understand the different types of Google Ads and how they can be leveraged to meet your marketing objectives. Here are the various types of Google Ads that can help increase your website traffic:

1. Search Ads​

Search Ads are text-based ads that appear on the search engine results page (SERP) when users enter specific keywords. These ads are designed to match user intent, making it easier for potential customers to find products or services they are searching for. By appearing at the top of search results, search ads not only drive traffic to websites but also increase the likelihood of conversions.
  • High visibility on SERPs
  • Targeted based on user intent
  • Cost-effective with pay-per-click (PPC) model
  • Easy to measure and optimize

2. Video Ads​

Video Ads are displayed on YouTube and other Google video partner websites. These ads can be highly engaging and interactive, allowing businesses to convey their messages through compelling visual content. Advertisers can choose from various video ad formats such as skippable ads, non-skippable ads, and bumper ads based on their campaign goals.
  • High engagement through visual and auditory content
  • Broad reach on YouTube and partner sites
  • Variety of ad formats for different objectives
  • Can effectively showcase product features and brand stories

3. Display Ads​

Display Ads include banners, images, text, and videos that are shown on Google’s Display Network, which consists of millions of websites, blogs, and apps. These ads help businesses reach potential customers while they are browsing online, using apps, or consuming content.
  • Wide reach across the Google Display Network
  • Visually appealing formats
  • Effective for brand awareness and retargeting
  • Flexible targeting options (demographics, interests, behavior)

4. Shopping Ads​

Shopping Ads are specifically designed for e-commerce businesses and appear in search engine results when users search for products. These ads display comprehensive product information such as images, prices, and shop names, making them highly effective in driving traffic and sales.
  • Visual product representation in SERPs
  • High purchase intent from users
  • Enhanced shopping experience with detailed product info
  • Direct link to product pages increases the likelihood of conversions

5. App Ads​

App Ads promote mobile applications and are displayed across Google’s properties, including Google Play, Search, YouTube, and the Display Network. These ads are designed to drive app downloads and engagement.
  • Increased visibility for apps
  • Targeted placement on relevant platforms
  • Flexible ad formats for different stages of the app user journey
  • Automated optimization for best performance


Understanding the different types of Google Ads is crucial for advertisers to craft effective marketing strategies tailored to their target audience and business goals. By leveraging Search Ads, Video Ads, Display Ads, Shopping Ads, and App Ads, businesses can significantly boost their website traffic, enhance brand visibility, and drive conversions. Whether your goal is to increase sales, generate leads, or build brand awareness, Google Ads offers versatile solutions to help you achieve your marketing objectives.

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I've used a mix of these ad types for my e-commerce site, and they've each brought different benefits. For instance, Search Ads really helped me target users actively looking for my products, while Display Ads increased my brand's visibility across relevant sites.

I also tried running ads on Bing to diversify my traffic sources. Bing SEO strategies gave my ads an extra edge and improved my overall online presence. Combining these approaches has been super effective for driving traffic and boosting sales.