Application of Milestones to Business


Staff member
Milestones are a series of targets with a predetermined deadline, so the business will try to achieve the nearest milestone within the specified time (for example a month). Milestones are different from goals, milestones are like stairs to achieve a goal.

To make a milestone effective and successful, it must be accompanied by an action plan, which is a series of planned and organized actions so that it will always be on track to achieve business targets. So when preparing milestones you also need to pay attention to several factors such as:

- Must be measurable – Must be in the form of numbers, such as increasing June sales by 10%. increase website traffic by up to 15% in the third quarter of this year, etc.

-Deadlines – Set a definite time (such as July 31) to reach the first milestone, second milestone, and so on.

After the business milestones have been completed, post them in a clear place so that they can be read by all employees/team members. Always remind all employees to read the milestones.

Monitor & Update Business Growth Every Week
Compare milestones with business growth every week, so that employees/teams know what gaps have not been achieved, discuss difficulties, obstacles and challenges with employees.
Milestones are great pointers to how far apart or how close a business is to achieving it's set goals. I personally believe that goals are easier to achieve when broken down into milestones. At the attainment of every milestone, there is always more energy and motivation to push for the next milestone and before you know it, the goal is achieved. Every goal looks impossible especially when they involve doing big things but milestones are realistic and possible. I always break my goals into milestones and they are easier to achieve that way.