Do you use pop-up advertisements on your blog?


VIP Contributor
Pop-Up advertisements tend to be one of the most popular kind of advertisements which is being used by many people nowadays. These kinds of advertisement pop-ups could have their own advantages and disadvantages as well. Pop-up advertisements are now used by many advertisement networks, including many professional advertisement networks as well. There are many advantages of such kind of advertisements.

Pop-Up advertisements could have a much higher RPM rate

This could be one of the main reasons why many people may want to integrate such kind of advertisements. This is due to the fact that these advertisements have a much higher RPM rate. This is due to the fact that they offer the ability to advertise the products or service to customers directly by displaying the advertisement.

Pop-Up advertisements could be intrusive

Not all the people may want to integrate such ads because these ads could be pretty intrusive and many webmasters believe that this could have a negative effect on the website traffic in many ways. However, now many ad networks are working to make such kind of advertisements look less intrusive and more professional. So, have you ever worked with advertisement networks that offer such ads? Have you ever integrated these ads on your website?
They will redirect the user to another address especially since it will be hard to get back to the original page if you are browsing from your mobile phone so I do not recommend it.
When I was new to blogging and when I was not earning from my Adsense ads and Amazon ads, I tried multiple popup and popunder ads on my blog. Just like with major ad networks, it is also very difficult to earn from these ads. You need a lot of traffic to earn form these ads and when you are using popup and popunder ads, your existing traffic will just vanish as a lot of people despite popup and pop under ads as these ads are intrusive.