Earn 1665 ethereum in 100 days less for $5 or 0,03 eth.


New member
Million.Money is a decentralized ethereum smart contract based on blockchain. The contract cannot be edited or deleted, not even by it's developers. it's code is visible for anyone to see ( On blockchain) and all transactions are between members, no admin or third parties like in HYIP investment so scam is impossible.

Activate the contract with 0.03 ethereum/ $5 (That all you ever going to pay) and recruit 2 members (Only 2 needed) , they also pay 0.03 eth that goes direct into your wallet (0.03*2 = 0.06 ethereum). Use the money earned to upgrade to 2nd level for 0.05 eth leaving 0.01 eth profit. Your 2 referrals also recruit 2 members each (4 in total) also paying 0.03 eth. When the 4 members refer and upgrade to 2nd level with 0.05, the money goes direct into your wallet (0.2 ethereum in total). Again use the money earned to upgrade to 3rd level for 0.1 eth, leaving 0.1 eth in profit. By time the you reach level 5 you will have 32 members in your team earning 36 ethereum ( About $5000), you can repeat and earn this income with you existing team every month (Every members get paid just like you).

Your team can still grow until you reach level 10 with 62 members with a possibility of earning up to 1665 ethereum or +- $250,000.

Chat with me on telegram to find out more (@tente93)
Yo your total investment for all that ethereum earned by each other would be ? Cause i wanna think that many wanna be recruited in that kind of enterprise.
Hope to see more activity from your side
I heard about this site from my friend and still wondering if it's really legit , I am not sure