Ethereum will soon abandon mining. What about GPU price?

At the World Blockchain Conference in late July, Vitalik Buterin set the start of 2022 as the date of a potential progress to a proof-of-stake convention, when validators will become answerable for handling exchanges, and diggers will be put out of a task. Notwithstanding, this doesn't stop either diggers or equipment producers.

On 5 August, the London hard fork occurred, trailed by the Altair update on 19 August. As indicated by the guide, these are the last strides before the consolidation of the two forks, codenamed 'The Merger', occurs. The trouble bomb is booked for early December however will probably be rescheduled for Q1 2022.

More than 90% of Ethereum mining is finished with GPUs. Nonetheless, as of late, an advancement was made in creating ASICs for the ETHash calculation. For example, in mid 2021, NVIDIA introduced its first chip for ETH mining, which can hash 26 Mh/s at 125 W. The accessibility of effective machines pulled in institutional financial backers, for whom the compensation time frame is less in the Ethereum network than in the Bitcoin organization. As per the CEO of Luxor mining focus, Ethan Vera, the ROI period on Ethereum mining equipment is four months, yet longer than a year for Bitcoin.

The present situation has made mining organizations increment their hash power regardless of the PoS chances. In October 2020, Hive Blockchain turned into the greatest public Ethereum digger at 3.4 Gh/s; it intends to increase its hashing capacity to 5.5 Gh/s before the finish of 2021. Cabin 8 is not far behind, having purchased $30 million worth of equipment from NVIDIA, which will give it 1.6 Gh/s more hash power this month.

Diggers expect that The Merger execution period will move: this consistently occurs in Vitalik Buterin's organization. Along these lines, they would prefer not to pass up the benefit they could make on the second-biggest cryptographic money.

ASIC makers are moving excavators in their weapons contest. Bitmain, Innosilicon and iPollo have effectively declared the accessibility of Ethereum ASICs before the current year's over. iPollo has effectively gotten pre-orders worth $200 million.

The most as often as possible posed inquiry among some in the crypto local area is 'when will GPUs get less expensive?' The danger of evidence of-work being deserted doesn't hose organizations' vigor in their quest for hashing power. Gamers' keep going expectation holds tight the advancement of ASICs that could push GPUs out of mining. Mining trouble will develop as long as institutional interest is met, and the GPU mining ROI period will before long outperform one year. On the off chance that ETH doesn't arrive at its unsurpassed high again at that point, excavators' interest for them will considerably diminish.
There are 21 million Ether only, so it have to be minted, no matter if PoW algorithm is used, or PoS. Yet, Ethereum mining have to be stopped in PoW manner because miners are responsible for high gas price.
The EoW algorithm as you stated, people do not have any experience yet.