
Incorporating more fruits and vegetables and reducing portion sizes can lead to weight loss by decreasing calorie intake and increasing nutrient density. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories but high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, helping to keep you full and satisfied. Smaller portions can also help to prevent overeating and promote a balanced diet.
Reducing Overeating can sure helps one to maintain good weight. There should be minimum 2 hours gap between the meals or snacks that we should take . Taking lesser quantities with good gap doesn't makes us feel more hungry by that we can eat in limit by maintaining good health .
Millets is becoming more popular these days and taken by everyone who has most health concerns. By consuming millets it makes one more healthy and keeps you Tummy full for long time. Oats also play good role in controlling weight and good for heart patients as well along with the excersize food diet should be taken.
fruits and veggies helps to improve the overall health as well.