How can assistive technology be disposed of?


Active member
Once the NDIS provides funding for the assistive technology, it becomes the participant's unless they're renting or borrowing it. The participant has the freedom to decide what they want to do with the items they own. If the NDIS has funded a replacement for the participant's old assistive technology, they can choose to keep the old item.

However, the NDIS usually won't cover the costs of maintaining or repairing the old item unless it can be used as a backup device. Additionally, if the NDIS informed the participant that the item no longer meets all the NDIS funding criteria, they won't cover any repair expenses.

The participant has the option to:
  • Give or sell the item to someone else.
  • Return the item to their provider.
  • Trade the item in.
If the participant choose to discard an item they no longer need, it's doubtful the NDIS would finance a replacement.

Read more: What if you need to replace the assistive technology? | NDIS

Having trouble with your NDIS plan? Assistance is available here: Life Balance NDIS Plan Management

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