How to Cancel an Interview in 3 Steps


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Having to cancel a job interview you previously scheduled can feel stressful. However, giving adequate notice and handling the situation professionally can preserve your standing with the employer. Follow these 3 steps to appropriately cancel a job interview:

Notify Early

As soon as you decide to cancel the interview, contact the employer promptly. Calling is the most direct and courteous method. Ask to speak with the person coordinating the hiring process.

Call rather than email when possible so they receive the message immediately. Calling also conveys extra effort on your part. State you need to cancel or reschedule the interview and apologize for any inconvenience.

The earlier you provide notice the better. This gives the employer time to adjust the schedule or line up a replacement interview. Last minute cancellations are harder to accommodate. Ideally give at least 24-48 hours notice.

Explain Why

Offer a brief but honest explanation for needing to cancel the interview. Transparency is important though you do not owe private details. Reasons like a conflict with school or another job offer coming through are understandable to most hiring managers.

If the cause is something like an illness, family emergency or car trouble emphasize it is an unexpected circumstance beyond your control. Avoid vague excuses or false reasons which may raise doubts about you.

Be Appreciative

After notifying of the cancellation and providing a reason, end the call by thanking the employer for understanding and their time so far. Express appreciation for having been selected for an interview in the first place.

Let them know you were looking forward to meeting and discussing the opportunity. If interested, state that you hope to be able to reschedule or apply for future roles. This shows you are genuinely interested despite the need to cancel this specific interview.

Canceling a job interview at the last minute should only be done when unavoidable. However, giving prompt notice and showing courtesy can preserve your reputation with the employer. Follow up any call with an email thanking them again for their consideration.
True talk, just try to Inform the interviewer right away: Communicate your choice to cancel the interview as soon as possible to the interviewer or the assigned contact. Give a succinct and considerate justification for your cancellation, such as unanticipated events or scheduling issues.

Then you need to express regret for the trouble: While expressing your sorry for any inconvenience, make sure to highlight how much you value the interviewer's time. This exhibits civility and professionalism.

While you also need to reschedule or make suggestions: If suitable, provide suggestions for a new date or indicate that you are willing to reschedule the interview. This keeps things cordial between you and the business and demonstrates your ongoing interest in the prospect.