How to Make Money Offering Promotional Services


VIP Contributor
Businesses and products are coming out everyday. Businesses or products that are not known yet. This is where you can come in, it's not easy to get a new business or products out to the public so business owners and producers will always need your service. You just have to convince them you can deliver. Know how to locate this businesses or products, make thorough findings and ensure they are new products. This is how you are going to get an easy deal from them. They will pay you to promote them . You just need to be good at what you do. You don't need to do this job alone, you can get people to help you as well and spend part of the money to hasten your work and give you room to do other things, but ensure you find the right people.
You can definitely make money offering promotional services, but before you get patronized you need an audience, no one would want to work with you if you don't have people, you need to first build a following of hungry audience, how do you do that? Create contents that people want, this will take a lot of experiments to find out what works, but when it clicks you are actually sitting on a Goldmine.

You should also be in control of your audience, have their email or a way to contact them because you can get deplatformed easily nowadays, your accounts can get blocked for no any particular reason.