Instagram How To Make Money Selling Products on Instagram?


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Instagram is a visual platform, a lot of people are on Instagram, they have hundreds of millions of active users, which means the market is there already, what's the best way you can position for this and make money from it, selling products is a viable way to get started.

Get your page up and running, post high quality images on your page and also make sure you are building your followers according to your target audience, after reaching a substantial followers on Instagram, fund your account and start running ads for brand awareness, get people to like your posts and also engage on your page, build a simple landng page and start selling.

You can start by selling to people in your city and later expand when you have grown your capital.
Instagram is a good place to sell, if you have available audience, if you don't, you can get. Make sure you post quality contents, you should also note it's not money first but attraction first, captivate them then you can subsequently monetize whatever you do when they are already into you. Don't start with outrageous price, whatever you are doing, make sure you move on a slower pace. It's important so you don't lose them. If you have a product you can sell, or renders services. You can also employ affiliate links, it's important. You get commission from every successful patronage.