How to prevent workplace stagnation


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There's always the need to inculcate professional development in the workplace . When a company or an organizations don't provide opportunities for workplace growth, learning and new experience, they risk their employees being stagnated . The company will he behind on new technology, They will fall short in best practices and they will be a fall in productivity and effectiveness.

They are different ways a workplace can avoid being stagnated to help give it a geometric growth.

it needs to provide opportunities for members to learn new things

There needs to be high chances of members acquiring advanced skills or pursuing higher education.

Member should be given the opportunity to attend industry conferences to earn professional knowledge and certification

Employees need to complete role-specific training.
Despite all the provisions that an organisation can make for their staff to grow professionally, it is the decision of the staff to push for growth or stay stagnated. Growth can only happen when an employee consciously makes efforts to improve. I have seen situations where all the infrastructure has been provided for staff self development but some staff would still be professionally stagnated.

Also, some staff don't recognize that being given difficult roles and tasking assignments are chances and opportunities for them to build themselves and grow. But they would run away from such responsibilities like a plague.