Introducing Waterfall Network!

Waterfall EVM BlockDag is combining high scalability with high decentralization. DAG-based implementation allows Waterfall to achieve 2-level parallel processing with virtually unlimited sharding. Designed to support millions of smartphone comparable devices.
Hello Community!

The Waterfall Network continues to expand its ecosystem and establish partnerships.

We are excited to announce our partnership with Liquify Ltd as our infrastructure provider!

Liquify will be supporting Waterfall by providing institutional staking services leveraging their bare-metal infrastructure.

Future collaboration will entail builders on Waterfall also benefiting from Liquify's developer tools and services including RPC endpoints, custom nodes, snapshots, SubGraphs, monitoring solutions and other bespoke tools.

The team currently supports 60+ chains with 500 million RPC calls daily and $200+ million AUM and is specialized in high uptime (99.95% guaranteed) as well as optimized throughput, latency, decentralization.

Stay tuned for more exciting news!