Natural way to get rid of ant and cockroaches in your house.


New member
Natural way to get rid of ants, cockroaches, etc in your house, get a bowel, pour 20cl of kerosene, get table salt pour 2spoofull of the salt in the kerosene, get detergent fetch, 2spoonfull of detergent and pour in the kerosene, get a stick or tuner, use it to stirr the solution until it dissolve very well, get empty bottle and pour it inside, use it and flit the areas you see them. It will kill all of them.
Good hygiene can get rid of ants and cockroaches espcailly in our homes. These insects come after our pieces of drop of food particles. Creat a good space in your room to avoid these insects hidden around them.
I appreciate the natural approach to getting rid of ants and cockroaches in the house, it feels like a breath of fresh air in a world full of chemicals. Using natural methods not only keeps the house clean but also gives us peace of mind knowing we're not exposing our loved ones to harsh substances.

I personally lean towards diatomaceous earth; it's like a silent assassin for ants and roaches. And don't get me started on peppermint oil – it's like kryptonite for these bugs! Plus, it leaves the house smelling like a spa.

By the way, if anyone's still scratching their head about other pest control options, you might want to check out Pest Control Near Me - Get an Appointment in Seconds – it's like having a genie in a bottle for all your pest problems.