Quality of products Vs quantity of product?


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I completely agree on this one because quality product are always exceptional product and having such brand can lead to a lifetime customer, but if you have a bulk of mediocre products, it would definitely lead to bulk of disappointment for the customers. There is need to prioritise quality over quantity any day any time as It's better to have a small products that would exceed the expectations of your customers than a large bunch of products that fail to impress them. One more thing is that the customers always remember quality, not quantity. So, you need to make your product stands out all the time .
What you should understand is that the quality of your products is definitely a reflection of your brand's values and commitment as well. You seriously need to prioritize quality and it will make the customers trust your brand and become loyal advocates for your products.
I've seen a lot of businesses fail because they are always prioritizing quantity over quality, which is not supposed to be so. It is neccessary not to make the same mistake as you need to focus on delivering exceptional products that will meet the needs of the customer.
Quality over quantity always, as a business owner you have a reputation to protect, you don't want to be known as that business owner that sell mediocre products, it'll hurt your business and nobody would want to buy from you, I understand that a times your capital might not be enough to buy only quality products or maybe the market can't afford them.

You should pay attention to what others are doing and take a cue, don't be the only person selling substandard garbage that doesn't help anyone.

If you have substandard products probably tell your customers the truth, a good name is worth more than silver and gold