Top 9 SEO Content Writing Tips for 2023


VIP Contributor
If you're an SEO content writer, then you know how important it is to write content that is relevant, engaging and useful to your audience.

But how do you make sure that the content you write is going to be the best possible? Here are some tips for 2023!

1. Choose a topic that you're interested in and passionate about.

2. Read articles on your chosen topic every day (or at least once a week).

3. Keep an eye out for new trends in your field. the more information you have about what's happening in the industry around you, the better off you'll be when it comes time to write new content.

4. Make sure that your writing style matches up with what people expect from an article written by someone who knows their stuff. if they're expecting something technical or academic, then maybe try writing something more fun or personal instead (it doesn't always have to be one or the other!).

5. Highlight your keywords in the copy, but don't overdo it.

6. Use a lot of subheadings and bullets to make your content easier to read, even if it's long.

7. Use appropriate images to illustrate your point or highlight an area of interest in your content (for example: product photos or screenshots from a video.)

8. Use a combination of images and text to tell a story about what you're talking about (for example: a photo with text explaining why this product is so great).

9. If possible, use both images and text in your posts so that there's more than one way for people to consume it (for example: an image of a person using the product might have some text above it explaining what they're doing with it).
To write the best articles, you really need to have sufficient knowledge about the topic, which is why it's easier to write about a topic you're passionate about.

A lot of bloggers these days say that doesn't work though, especially if your niche falls under health, entertainment or finances.

I also take note of things that make a blog post more interesting for me, and I realized that having a piece of content broken into parts is a game changer in keeping readers attention. Story telling is also important, but some writers make it feel forced by using such tactics excessively.
@Shaf it is possible even to hire some members because some topics are containing more than one subject like the topic health could contain skin health or body health or eye health or teeth health and you may have only idea about skin health so members contributions to the other sections could be much appreciable and communities are open for people for exchange ideas and exchange knowledges as not anyone have full knowledge about everything.

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