verified account | Is KYC safe?

verified account | Is KYC safe?​

Benefits of a Verified Account: Quick Guide

  • Experience peace of mind with our 100% KYC-verified accounts. We take authenticity seriously, providing you with genuine and fully verified accounts.
  • Say goodbye to any worries about transactional history. Our accounts are fresh, with no previous activity.
  • Instantly access your account and start trading – no waiting around. Our active accounts are ready to go as soon as you need them.
  • Rest assured that our verification process is robust. We have partnered with a trusted bank to ensure the highest level of security.
  • We leave no room for doubt by using a unique phone number for verification and real SSN and driving license information.
  • Every aspect of our accounts involves meticulous verification, including photo ID, address, utility bill, and email authentication.
  • To further enhance security, we register our accounts using residential IP addresses so you can trade confidently from any region.
  • We stand by the quality of our accounts with a 7-day replacement guarantee. Your satisfaction is our priority.