What next after you applied for the job?


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Nowadays in most places it's never guarantee tha you would be hired by the fact that you applied for the job.
There are so much reasons that can lead you to be denied the employment:
The worst scenario case is when a large number of the candidates that applied for the job have almost the same qualifications.
In that case it would be very challenging for whoever is doing the recruitment to decide on which candidate they could hire especially when the required slots are very limited.
Now we come to the point of the destiny connectors and Godfathers. Sometimes those kind of the people could be given the mandate to recruit the qualified candidates that they recommend.
The best way to get a job is through recommendations. Someone knows what who can do, so he or she decided to link you up, a relative, friend or something more. Aside from this, your CV might not even get to the right place before intercepted that's if you are submitting online. And if offline that's even worse, you will need Jesus. Dozens of abandoned files or CVs unchecked. This can be frustrating, I won't say there is no vacancy but they are reserved for some selected persons, they don't even have to be qualified. However, some got their job by applying only, I don't know if I should say it's luck.
There are several reasons why you may be rejected employment. The worst-case situation occurs when a significant number of candidates have nearly identical qualifications for the job. In that circumstance, it would be difficult to pick the best candidate to hire, especially given the restricted number of available positions for the job. Now you have to get to the destiny connectors and Godfathers. Sometimes these types of people are given the authority to recruit the qualified applicants that they recommend.
When you apply for a job and you are truly in need of a job, apply in ten other places to increase your chances of getting a job. Don't go and relax because there is no guarantee that the job you applied for, even when there are not so many candidates that applied. There is no harm in getting up to three job offers at the same time. It gives that luxury of sifting through the offers to pick one that is best fit for you.

In conclusion, when you apply for a job, apply in other places too to stand a chance of being hired.