Which business is best for a student?

12 Best Business Ideas for Students
1) Freelance Content Creation. ...
2) E-commerce Niche Stores. ...
3) Virtual Assistance Services. ...
4) Online Tutoring and Education Platforms. ...
5) Social Media Management Agency. ...
6) App Development for Local Needs. ...
7) Blogging and Affiliate Marketing. ...
8) Graphic Design Studio.
Best business for a student is the one that will scale and give a student an ample to time to study and have fun in college, it's important to get started in an online business if you're a student, because you can automate your processes and get to passive income quicky.

If you're good with writing, start writing, write what people wants to read and after you've gained a following, you can monetize and make profit off it, you can also look at honing your talent and then use it to make money afterwards, there are different ways to approach making money as a student, but doing it online is the best because of the advantage I enumerated above.
Freelancing is likely to be the first when it comes to online business, when you talk about work best for students, personally i believe freelancing would be great, that's for those that have freelancing skills. E-commerce niche store is also great, some students have passion for buying and selling. They could just do it online and save themselves the stress. Social Media management is a good option but this will take your time especially when you have to create a connection with your audience. Online tutoring is the best for me, this is what I did before now. If you are good at what you do, why can't you pass the knowledge easily and make some money.