Your Auto Accident Insurance Loss - Dealing With Your Company On Disputed Loss.


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If your agent is unable to solve your problem, get the name and phone number of your insurance companies claims department. It's usually 800 number. Call and ask if the have a consumer complaint Department? Most do. If so, talk to the because they may be able to help you.

Don't hang up until you get the specific name of the person with whom you spoke.(Make a note of the person you talked with and hold onto that until you've finished with your dispute)

Be ready to support your case by sending a covering letters(to the individual whom you spoke with) which contains all the documents you have to back up your position.

All insurance companies have their an "Appraisal Service" or "Arbitration Service" to help settle differences and/or disputes. Your policy should explain these options. (If you can't find either of these ask your agent to find them for you)

If you have followed their rules for resolving your dispute, and you're not satisfied, your own state's insurance department should be able to help you.
Instead of dealing with the agent, I directly contact the insurance company. I don't buy insurance policies from the agent, I directly buy from the insurance company. This is the safest way to not get scammed. When I have to solve any disputes regarding my insurance claim, I contact the compay directly.