Search results

  1. breadeditor

    Earn Money Make Money From The Things You Already Own

    Yes. You read that right. You can actually earn money from the things you already own. That is, through renting them out. Can I say that it pays well? No. YOU can. On this site, you will be the one to determine how much you are willing to rent out your item and for how long. There are even...
  2. breadeditor

    Earn Money Make Money With Things You Already Own

    Make Money With Things You Already Own. This one's new and you probably have never heard of it. It's more than just the referral links, beer money or affiliate marketing. Send me a message so you can check it out for yourself
  3. breadeditor

    Earn Money Passivity is shades of gray, not an on/off switch

    Whenever the topic of passive income comes up on the interwebs, I see purists shut it down saying interest and equity are the only truly passive incomes. Sure, maybe. However, that is missing the whole point of passive income mindset. Hence this rant. I see passivity as a spectrum, a relative...
  4. breadeditor

    Earn Money The Truth about Passive Income

    Here's the thing with passive income. WE KNOOOOWWWW, WE KNOWWWW.... It's everyone's dream! But here's the truth: There's no passive income with 100% no work. There will always be efforts needed especially at the start. Your best shot is RENTAL INCOME. And no, we're not only talking...