
  1. raaman

    Acne can be treated naturally

    Acne can be treated naturally. There are numerous acne medications accessible nowadays. As a result, determining which medication is good and which genuinely works in treating acne becomes tough. Furthermore, the cost of acne medications is significant. Naturally, no one wants to spend money on...
  2. Yusra3

    The Truth About Using Egg Whites to Treat Acne Breakouts

    If you're looking for a natural way to treat your acne, egg whites may be your new best friend. Many people have heard that eggs contain sulfur and can help soothe skin irritations, but did you know that they also contain protein? And that protein is what helps to keep your skin healthy? This...
  3. Yusra3

    Here's the Truth About Using Baking Soda as a DIY Acne Treatment

    Baking soda is a great DIY acne treatment, but it's not the miracle cure you might think it is. It's true that baking soda has an effect on acne-causing bacteria, but it's not nearly as strong as other treatments. Baking soda isn't going to clear up your skin overnight. but then again, neither...
  4. Yusra3

    CBD Oil For Acne: Everything You Need to Know

    Pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads are signs of the skin ailment acne. Although it's not the most dangerous kind of acne, it can be incredibly painful and embarrassing. Luckily, there are things you can do to get rid of it and one of them is using CBD oil. One of the many skin-related...
  5. Yusra3

    Understanding the Connection Between IUDs and Acne

    The intrauterine device, or IUD, is a tiny T-shaped implant placed in the womb. It's used to prevent pregnancy and also to treat certain conditions. The possibility of acne in women using IUDs has long been recognised. Yet why? A study conducted by researchers at the University of California at...
  6. Yusra3

    A Method for Clearing Acne Cheaply

    How to get rid of acne on the cheap is a topic that interests a lot of people. In actuality, there isn't a simple method to achieve this. Acne is a complex condition that requires treatment at least twice a week for at least two months. If you want to get rid of your acne quickly, you're going...
  7. Bookwormlux

    Why you should stop treating acne.

    A lot of people suffering from acne fail to realise that it is a normal Physiological reaction by the body when ever there is excess oil your body and your body is only trying to make sure that it gets rid of them before they become a problem in your system. These people go a very extreme...
  8. raaman

    Cure Acne in a Natural Way.

    Cure Acne in a Natural Way. You don’t like pimples. But, have you ever thought why pimples appear on the faces of teenagers? In general, the excess production of the hormone testosterone and the natural oils connected with it in the teen years is the cause of pimples. However, this varies very...
  9. Yusra3

    5 Things That Are Secretly Triggering Your Acne

    Skin is a complex organ. It's like a weird little alternate universe with its own rules and regulations, and unless you've got a PhD in dermatology, it can be pretty tough to understand what's going on. What is triggering your acne? Is it stress? Your pillowcase? Your diet? Could be all of the...