beauty tips

  1. Arianna Rosali

    Which is better anti aging cream or serum?

    Harvard Medical School recommends using a serum to reduce skin concerns related to aging rather than a moisturizer or cream. This is because serums are highly concentrated and absorb more quickly into the skin.
  2. Yusra3

    Lip Gloss Hacks

    Ever wonder why your lip gloss is just a little too dry or sticky? Well, wonder no more. I got some lip-gloss hacks to help you get the most out of your gloss. 1. To give your lips some little colour, get an old makeup brush! Just use the same tip of the brush that was used to apply your...
  3. Yusra3

    Step-By-Step Guide On Grooming Your Eyebrows At Home

    You likely don't know what it's like to have flawlessly groomed brows if you're like the majority of people. Your eyebrows could be the biggest part of your face, but if you don't take the time to keep them looking healthy and attractive, then they can look… not great. But there are so many...
  4. Yusra3

    Your Guide To Applying Lipstick When You Have Chapped Lips

    When you're trying to apply lipstick and your lips are chapped, you can do some things to help make the application process easier. 1) To begin, ensure that you have a suitable lip colour that complements your natural lip colour. If you're wearing a bright red lipstick, for example, you may...
  5. Yusra3

    Bookmark These 2 Home Remedies For Sunburn

    The sun is out, and it's time to get outside! Whether you're planning a picnic at the park or going for a run with the dogs, it's important to be prepared for any sun-related mishaps. Here are a Two home cures that may be useful. 1. Aloe Vera Gel Aloe vera gel is known for its soothing...
  6. Yusra3

    Avocado Face Mask Recipe For Supple Skin

    Avocado is a fruit that is loved by many for its creamy taste, but it's also really good for your skin! Avocados are rich in Vitamin E, which helps maintain healthy skin and hair. Protein, fibre, & antioxidants are also abundant. They contain oleic acid, which is an omega-9 fatty acid that can...
  7. D

    Business Ideas Beauty Brand Tips For A Name

    I think it's a great idea to start a beauty brand, And here is why, In this era people are trying to impress each other with how good there look or how good their cloths look and all that, and who, which brand is taking care of all of this - well the clothing and beauty brand, am not interested...