blockchain knowledge

  1. W

    Why do businesses person need an IDO platform

    Initial DEX offering development is creating tokens for crowdfunding that allow startups to raise funds for their projects in the most credible way. It helps most of the entrepreneur to raise funds for their business Are you looking for fundraising for your business? then IDO is a perfect...
  2. Digitalcoach


    Blockchain News.Depending on its uses, blockchain can be placed into one of three categories: a public blockchain, a private blockchain, or a consortium blockchain. A public blockchain is basically open to everyone in the world . Everyone can participate in it and can and be part of the...
  3. HYVE

    Staking on HYVE

    Holders of the HYVE tokens have the possibility of staking their tokens and in turn, get rewarded from the fees gained by all listings in both Ethereum or tokens. At the start of each month, during the “locking period”, users can stake their tokens by locking them. They are also able to lock...
  4. sunnyego

    Bitcoin Adress Formats

    Bitcoin Adress Formats There are three principal formats of bitcoin addresses. Bitcoin addresses are the bitcoin internet protocol. We have three bitcoin address formats. These are: P2PKH or legacy address format, P2SH address format and the Bech32 address format. The P2PKH or legacy address...