credit sales

  1. Axis

    Results of excessive credit sale in business.

    The issuing of credit sales in a business organisation is absolutely an optional activity. However for those business organisations and Enterprises who see the need to issue credit sales of its goods and services to customers and clients are more likely to earn the recognition as well as...
  2. Carpon

    Make money from credit sales

    Credit sales has to do with goods or commodities given out without an immediate payment. That is to say if I come to your store and get some goods and say that I will pay later, it becomes a credit sales for you. In this thread I will share my ideas on how I think you can earn from making sales...

    How to avoid accumulating many business bad debts.

    Sometimes for a business whether large-scale or small-scale allowing the issuing of credit sales to customers , clients , and consumers who initially do not have the money to pay for goods bought or services rendered is absolutely a good way to keep customer loyalty . But overdoing credit sales...

    Credit sale, meaning, disadvantages and advantages

    Credit happens or occurs when A merchant grants or awards authorization to a purchaser to take position and partake in an item with a guarantee to pay later on. it is the interaction by which labor and products are moved to the purchaser from the merchant for his utilization and delight without...