
  1. Yusra3

    Is Hair Sugaring An Effective Way To Remove Body Hair?

    Yes, Hair sugaring involves using a special paste made from sugar and lemon juice to treat unwanted hair growth in the armpits, back, or other areas of the body. The paste can be applied directly to the skin, or it can be brushed onto the skin using a special brush and then left on for several...
  2. Yusra3

    5 Facts About Your Hair That You Might Not Know

    1. A protein called keratin makes up your hair. 2. Your hair grows an average of 1/4 inch per day, and it's that growth that makes your hair shiny and helps it stay strong. 3. You can actually grow bald spots in your head if you're not taking care of your hair properly! They're easy to miss...
  3. bench1222

    Causes of hair loss

    Hair thinning, which is the cause of hair loss, is caused by an imbalance in hormones. Hormonal balance is known to be disrupted by stress and "aging" with age. In addition, if the scalp environment is poor, such as dry scalp or excessive oil content in the scalp, it may be difficult for healthy...
  4. Barin

    How to take proper care of our hair

    we should make sure that we are washing our hair regularly that you ensure that your scalp and hair is free from death or excess oil if you have a dry hair limit your washing to twice in a week but he will have an oily scalp wash your hair from time to time and when you want to use shampoo make...