payment method

  1. Augusta

    Best payment platforms for Nigerians

    I'm a Nigerian trying to make money from the internet. one reason I'm stuck with Trendri is the ease at which I get my money without hassle or charges. I think the admin is a Nigerian too so I get my pay directly into my account. But the truth is that other sites don't do this because of their...
  2. Augusta

    4 reasons online earning sites should dump PayPal payment

    I think it is high time that a lot of earning sites need to bypass the use of PayPal payment gateway because they come with a lot of issues that the focus should be shifted to a better payment processor that works for everyone. From my experience the following reasons are the factors and I...
  3. Good-Guy

    Is It Wise For Companies To Accept Bitcoin As A Payment Method?

    Bitcoin is a kind of asset that has gained the kind of attention that was never gained by any other asset. It is a kind of a digital asset that has been in the news all the time. There are so many people who have invested in it and there are so many investors who might be planning to invest in...
  4. Sherman198

    What payment method is the best for you?

    I Know we now have different methods of payment these days. Before registering on a particular site, we tend to ask or make research first about their mode of payment, because that's what determine, if we will work on the site or not.....There are some payment modes that favours from country to...