pimples and acne

  1. Yusra3

    How to get rid acne scars in just 3 days?

    Acne is one of the most irritating skin problems. Although acne are not dangerous, they can damage your appearance and make you feel self-conscious. The scars left behind can last for years after your pimples have cleared up. I have suffered from acne my whole life. I've tried everything and...
  2. Yusra3

    5 Things You Should Know About Acne

    You probably already know that acne is caused by bacteria, and that pimples are caused when the pore gets inflamed. But I got 5 things you might not know about acne and pimples: 1. Acne can be a sign of pregnancy. The rise in hormones during pregnancy can cause an increase in sebum production...
  3. Yusra3

    5 Tips For Getting Rid of Acne

    Now that summer is just around the corner, you may be wondering how to get rid of those pesky acne breakouts. Well, im here to give you 5 simple tips for getting rid of acne. 1) Stay away from greasy foods. Greasy food will clog your pores, which might cause pimples. 2) Get a lot of sleep...
  4. Yusra3

    Adult Acne Causes

    Adult acne is an embarrassing problem that no one thinks they should still have to deal with. Unfortunately, it's not just teens who suffer from pimples and blackheads. Because our skin changes as we age and because we are exposed to different things in our environment, we often need a different...
  5. Zina

    Pimples and acne

    It is not possible for us to cure pimples overnight because treatment of pimples and acnes do take time to work it can be a few days or weeks before it can completely heal but there are many ways that we can use to reduce pimples overnight like making sure to wash the skin and patting dry with a...