scarcity of money

  1. Mikes smithen

    In what ways is scarcity an important feature of money.

    Scarcity is a fundamental feature of money that helps to give it value. Money is considered scarce because the resources required to produce it are limited. Scarcity creates demand, and demand creates value. Without scarcity, money would have no value and would not be useful as a medium of...

    Why is it important that money become scarce.

    The scarcity of money is absolutely one of the most important Factor theories about money and a particular individual may really say that the scarcity of money is absolutely one of the main disadvantage of money but sometimes this is not entirely true because the scarcity of money sometimes...

    Scarcity as an important factor of money.

    An individual may really before us to say that general acceptance is the only Major feature of money but that is absolutely not true because general acceptance is not the only Major feature that makes up money because money has other major features that we should be familiar about . For the...