2 Common Myths Related to Using Coconut-Based Hair Oil


The use of coconut oil as hair product is a common practice among women and men who want to get rid of excess grime and dirt in their hair. Before deciding on using a coconut oil for hair-oiling, there are some myths that most people do not know about. Here are some common myths that you must know before using coconut oil for hair oil:

1. Coconut Oil Will Strengthen Your Hair Nourish It .This is one of the biggest misconceptions related to using coconut oil in your hair. There's no way that a bit of coconut oil can really make your hair stronger, but it does provide nutrients which can definitely nourish your scalp and help manage dandruff too.

2. Coconut Oil Will Help Prevent Split Ends . No matter how healthy and nutritious you treat your hair with, certain elements in it may still contribute to breakage of split ends. This will happen when you have damaged ends which cannot repair themselves well or there exists weak or dead ends in the shaft itself; however, this can be prevented by treating your ends so they can repair themselves instead of breaking off again and again after each wear.