2 Ways To Avoid Dengue Fever And Remain Healthy


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Dengue fever is one of the most deadliest kind of fevers a person can ever suffer from. There are thousands of people who die from Dengue fever around the world and there are many people who also suffer from Dengue fever and become weak because of the fact that their immune system gets weak. There are, however, some tips you can follow in order to save Your self from Dengue fever.

Tip# 1: Be Cautious During Warm Weather

Dengue fever is more common during warm weather or warm seasons. This is because the atmosphere provides the perfect environment for the larvae to develop and become a mosquito, according to a research that was reported by the experts of the Umea University. So you must be extra cautious during this season.

Tip# 2: Always Use Insecticides To Keep Yourself Protected and Healthy

Using insecticides can greatly help you to combat Dengue, according to a study reported in the journal called PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. So if you really want to remain healthy and avoid dengue, then you can opt to use insecticides to kill mosquitoes.


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This topic reminds me of the herb called Tawatawa which I have in our backyard. It has treated 7 dengue patients that got well. However, prevention is better than the treatment. There should be no mosquitoes around. Cleaning the surroundings that are potential breeding grounds of mosquitoes can be of help. Don’t use much insecticides for it has a side effect to our lungs.