3 DIY Homemade Hair Masks to Get Rid of Dandruff & a Flaky Scalp


Even if you're the kind of person who likes to keep things simple, there's a chance you've noticed some problems with your scalp. It might feel flaky, it might itch, or it might even be getting irritated.
Treat your scalp right with these homemade hair masks. They're easy to make and designed specifically to give your protection and relief from dandruff AND a flaky scalp:

1. Banana, Egg, and Avocado Hair Mask

Bananas are high in potassium, which the body needs for muscle and nerve function. The eggs will help moisturize your strands and make them silky smooth! And avocados contain lots of fatty acids that will fill in cracks on your scalp. This is a perfect mask for dry hair.

2. Oatmeal Hair Mask

Oats are rich in antioxidants that will fight infection, which plus we all know oats are good for the skin. This mask is perfect for oily hair because it absorbs excess oil without drying out the strands.

3. Coconut Oil Hair Mask

Coconut oil is high in many natural vitamins and minerals that can help repair damaged strands and fight off infection with its antibiotic properties! This mask is perfect for giving your hair back its natural shine and bounce.