5 Billion Sales fake or real


Getting into the world of Multi-level marketing is not hard. You just need to know a few things to help you avoid being scammed.

Affiliate program​

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced affiliate marketer, you should know the difference between a fake affiliate program and a real one. There are many scams out there that you can fall victim to.

Affiliate fraud is one of the biggest challenges facing the affiliate advertising industry. The average affiliate fraud attack costs businesses between 20 and 65% of their sales. The problem is that the solutions for most ad fraud attacks take months or even years to find.

Many scams use stolen credit card information. This leaves the victim vulnerable to identity theft. It is also very difficult to tell if the identity theft has occurred until after the victim has been paid for the product.

Another way affiliate fraud is perpetrated is through the use of bot traffic. Bot traffic is a fake traffic source that looks like real, mobile users clicking ads. This disrupts affiliate traffic data and can cost affiliate programs a lot of money.

Another affiliate fraud scam is URL hijacking. This happens when someone buys a URL for a real business and then redirects traffic to a fake website.

Multi-level marketing​

Known as multi-level marketing (MLM), the practice of selling products, services or other goods in exchange for a commission is a popular business opportunity. MLM is also commonly referred to as network marketing. Some of the most popular MLM companies include Avon, LuLaRoe, Color Street, and It Works!

A typical MLM is a network of independent, non-salaried participants known as distributors. In order to participate, distributors must purchase products from the company, then earn commissions by selling or recruiting others. Some companies have been around for decades, while others are new to the scene.

A study conducted by the Consumer Awareness Institute revealed that 99% of MLM participants were left with no money. The study calculated how much distributors had to spend on bonuses, expenses, and commissions.

Although 5 Billion Sales is a legitimate business model, the actual income opportunity is not. There are no retailable products, but users can earn commissions by recruiting other users to subscribe to a service or other product. The company has not yet disclosed how much it will cost to join.

Hyped claims​

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably heard of 5 billion sales. It's a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) platform, but what's it all about?

One of the first things you'll notice about 5 billion sales is its lack of transparency. There's nothing to guide you on who owns or runs the company, or whether they're even in business. If you're not a member of the site, you won't even know that you're part of the program. The website's URL is registered in London, UK, but that's it. The company seems to operate out of one of the following countries: Egypt, Canada, the UK, or the US. While 5 billion sales is a legitimate opportunity, its limitations limit its success.

Luckily for you, there are a number of other alternatives to 5Billion Sales, and you'll be able to pick the best one based on your needs. The best MLMs are ones that have a clear cut commission structure, a product or service to sell, and a clear plan to build your downline.


Currently, there is no information on 5 Billion Sales. The company's owner is unknown and cannot be contacted. However, the company claims to have given ordinary people the power to make money.

This is a Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM) opportunity that pays members for referring others to the website. The compensation plan is divided into two parts: Service 1 and Service 2. The amount of commission is based on the number of members in the downline.

The compensation plan is a pyramid scheme. Affiliates are required to pay a $100 Service 1 fee to become a member. Then, they can earn commissions based on the number of recruits they personally recruit and the number of recruits who recruit others.

5 Billion Sales claims to offer a unique MLM opportunity. The company claims to have launched over 25 platforms across the web. It also states that it has not stayed long in the industry. The company also claims that it has a business model that will bring billions of dollars in sales.