5 SEO Tips for your Content


Valued Contributor
There are lots and lots of factors that will help your website rank well in a search engine like Google. At the same time, the subject of SEO is also very difficult and hence you need not have to learn everything about the subject. Knowing how to look for your topics and structure your content well will definitely bring the results you expect.

Here are five quick tips to improve the structure of your content:

1. Use good headlines.

2. Use numbering or bullet points.

3. Link to reliable sources related to the subject where appropriate.

4. Use bold letters on important information.

5. Divide the text well into paragraphs and avoid very large blocks of text.


New member
Improve existing content with missing subtopics
Send emails to everyone you link to
Add internal links to new pages
Do an annual content audit
Repurpose blog posts as videos
Respond to relevant HARO requests
Monitor competing backlinks for underperforming content
Fix pages with broken backlinks
Convert images into backlinks
Install a caching plugin
Optimize for ‘definition’ featured snippets
Embed your videos in relevant posts