5 Tips to Consider When Planning a Career Change ?


Itching for a fresh start career-wise but unsure how to navigate a switch? Before taking any leaps, reflect thoroughly using these five guidelines.

Get Clear on Motivations
Really dig into what’s driving your desire to do something new. Is your current work unfulfilling? Are you craving different challenges or opportunities to learn? Getting ultra clear on motivations and dealbreakers is essential for mapping next moves.

Weigh Transferable Skills
Don’t limit yourself by experience and background alone. Determine what transferable skills you’ve developed that apply across roles and industries. These can include communication abilities, analytical thinking, project management and other versatile competencies. Build off transferable talents.

Research Growth Areas
Consider not just fulfilling roles but fields poised for growth and demand when exploring options. For example, healthcare, renewable energy, information technology and financial services are just a few sectors facing noteworthy labor shortages in coming years. Growth potential in a new focus provides stability.

Envision Lifestyle Changes
Changing careers impacts more than just the 9 to 5. Will a switch require going back to school? Relocating? Longer commutes or travel? Be realistic about what lifestyle adaptations may accompany the career you desire and determine if they fit.

Test Out Options
Before formally changing paths, gain exposure to an appealing new focus area when possible. This could mean job shadowing, informational interviews, internships, courses or volunteering. Test driving nascent career directions provides invaluable clarity.

Evolving professionally over time promotes continual learning and satisfaction. But changing careers still deserves careful reflection, planning and deliberate moves. Weighing these considerations allows confidently pursuing work that truly motivates you.