6 ways to scale your Facebook ads

Irina Bodan


Here are some cool tricks to take your Facebook ads from good to GREAT:

1. Different Sizes: Don't just stick to one ad size. Facebook offers different options - try them all to see what works best for your audience.

2. Various Formats: Don't get stuck in a boring format rut. Use carousels, videos, or dynamic ads to grab attention.

3. Manual bidding: Instead of automatic bidding, try setting your own bids. This way, you can control how much you spend and who sees your ads.

4. Find Your Lookalikes: Use Facebook's data to target people similar to your existing customers. These "lookalike audiences" are more likely to be interested in your product.

5. Win Customers Back: People who already visited your website are more likely to buy. Use re-targeting ads to remind them about your awesome stuff.

6. Test Your Ads: If unsure your ad is a winner, run a test with a completely new audience to see how it performs.


VIP Contributor
When it comes to advertising on facebook the most important thing you need to remember is your reach. You need to reach your proper audience, and you need to reach more people. You will have to do audience targeting so that your ad is able to reach to the actual audience. Your ad budgeting, including your daily ad budget and total budget, your geo targeting determines your success. You can do various kinds of advertising but the easiest way to get started is by boosting your post