Ambition: A Free Platform to Create NFTs


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If you want to get into NFTs but do not know how to code, there is no need to feel left out because there are a lot of no-code platforms that allow you to create NFTs. However, the main problem with these platforms is you need to pay fees. There are some exceptions, though. If you want to create NFT free without coding, try Ambition.

Ambition is a website that allows you to create your NFT collections ( This website is no code NFT generator. You can generate NFT by entering little information. The website also allows you to create a smart contract without any coding and deploy your NFT in any blockchain (but this is a paid feature that cost $20 per month). The platform also allows you to create your own website (by using your own domain) so that you can allow other people to mint NFT within your website. You can also connect your website to open sea so that the NFT will show on an open marketplace.