Before you take an action consider if it's worth it


Deleted member 13140

Okay so I just want to address something of importance, that needs to be considered for any startup to succeed.
Every single time you want to or you think about commiting to something, You have have consider something, the return on investment, more like consider consider the outcome of your action.
I guess newton's third law supports this : For every action they is an equal and opposite reaction.

Sitting on the sofa drinking or even watching your favourite movie, or texting, this could be like a really good idea. But think about this, is it really worth it?

If sitting and watching a movie takes you away from work, from the things you need to do, from family and education, then it might not be worth the investment.
Question yourself is the outcome justifying the cost.
Though am not saying, taking a break is bad because sometimes people need to lay back and relax in other to fully get back at it. Regaining your strength and mentality is worth it But apart from that think it through before doing anything.

If its not worth the ROI then you shouldn't do it at all.


VIP Contributor
Definitely, it is very important for you to consider your return of investment in any venture you want to go into because wasting your time is not profitable. You need to check the amount of time you will invest and at the same time check if it is worth investing that time.


VIP Contributor
You have said the right thing. All actions needed to be taken must be for a reason. The fact is that our body loves pleasure. It takes a oerisn to condition the body in a way that it will be wiling to work for money. That's why we just don't take any step without even asking the benefit is such a step.


VIP Contributor
This is very important to remunerate on the action you are about to take and think about the consequences that may likely to occur both the positive and the negative. once you're able to do this you are going to make an intelligent decision concerning the thing you are thinking about. This is the reason why some people are called genius.