Benefit of traditional advertising


Today am going to enlighten us on the benefit of traditional advising. But let's start with knowing what is Traditional advertising first. Traditional advertising refers to mass media that delivers commercial messages to mass audiences. Mass media is "paid media." It includes television, radio, outdoor billboards and print media. Advertising's goal is to drive sales of products and services through persuasive communication tactics that influence human behavior over the long term. Promotions share the advertising goal of driving sales. Promotions, however, drive sales by using short-term incentives that stimulate immediate sales.
Traditional advertising media has been around for so long, it’s easy to write it off as slow and old-fashioned. Why would you put up a billboard when you can make a Facebook ad in a few minutes, or shell out for a broadcast TV spot when you can put your money into YouTube pre-roll? Advertising is about turning heads, and nothing turns heads like the latest and greatest…right?

Not so fast. We’d never trash talk digital advertising – it is, after all, much of what we do – but traditional advertising is not quite the dinosaur it’s been made out to be. (Unless, of course, we’re talking about a world in which the dinosaurs never went extinct and are still out there, being awesome and turning heads.) Sure, digital advertising has many benefits when it comes to tracking and targeting…but if you’re writing off traditional advertising as obsolete, you might be doing your brand a huge disservice.

Reports of the death of traditional advertising have been greatly exaggerated. Let’s dig into the evidence.