Benefits of tumeric


Active member
Tumeric is a natural inflammatory compound which is very potential to our health because it will will help prevent some certain diseases in the body like heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease and metabolic syndrome.

Tumeric can also help to increase the antioxidants in our body which will be very helpful for our body because oxidative damage can cause so many disease in the body so antioxidants will help us to fight against those kind of disease.

It helps to boost our brain because of the curcumin in it by increasing the growth of new neurons and like wise fight various degenerative processes in our brain.

Tumeric also lower the risk of of having heart disease because it improves the function of the endothelium which is the lining of the blood vessels and in addition, it reduces the oxidation and inflammation which plays a vital role in heart disease.

Tumeric helps to prevent cancer because of the curcumin that is present which serves as a potential herb in cancer treatment and it is also useful in treating Alzheimer's disease which is the most common form of a dementia.
And lastly tumeric helps to delay aging and also helps to fight age related chronic diseases in the body.