Best way to loose weight?

Overweight and obesity is one of them biggest public health concerns that people have been having in the past few years . It is now a generally known fact that it is much more easier for you to gain weight than for you to lose them and to some extent I am largely beginning to understand that .

1. Cut carbs. One of the most essential things to know about losing weight is that you definitely need to be using more energy than the energy that is coming in. At this moment it is very important to cut out food that the body does not need or it is going to provide you with too much fat . This kind of foods are usually fatty foods or processed foods like bread and canned foods like beans or fish .

2. Lift weights. It is not just enough for you to do dieting but you should also accompany it with healthy exercising at least three times in a week. Lifting of which has proven to be one of the easiest ways to get rid of fat .

3. Fast. The truth is that the human body was not designed for you to be eating every now and then and you should try to fast for at least 18 hours once in a week.

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