Best ways to collaborate other bloggers to increase blog traffic


VIP Contributor
The best way to collaborate with other bloggers and work together to increase blog traffic is by creating a group blog, where each member posts once a week. The group can be anything from a small group of friends to a larger group of bloggers, depending on the size and scope of the group's goals.

The most important part of working together is trust. If you all agree that this is what your group wants to do, there won't be any trouble getting everyone involved. You can even have one person lead the effort, like an admin or admin assistant role.

Another thing that will help you work together effectively is having a clear set of goals for your blog that everyone knows about before they begin posting. This way everyone knows what they're working toward and how their individual contributions fit into the overall plan.

Find someone who you feel comfortable working with and communicating with. You want to make sure you have a good rapport with each other, so the earlier in the game you get this figured out, the better.

Have a scheduled meeting time each week and stick to it. This will help keep things on track and ensure that you're both making progress towards your goals every week.

Schedule an hour or two at least once every two weeks for brainstorming sessions. this might be something as simple as going for coffee or grabbing lunch together. It could also be something more formal like having a conference call or video chat where everyone participates in real-time discussions about how they're doing their blogs, what changes they want to make, etcetera."