Business Ideas Businesses that would go extinct in future ?


Valued Contributor
Our world today is fortunate to have a lot of technological advancements that have made us had a better advantage position than those who had earlier lived before us . As beneficial as if maybe , it is also very important to make sure that we have noticed how threatening some of these technological developments are going to be to us as Time goes by.

Technological advancements are going to contribute to a lot of people losing out on what should ordinarily have been a business opportunity for them .

On this thread , I want us to discuss some of this business ideas that will definitely go extinct in the near future due to technological advancements providing for her better and easier alternatives than what we currently have .

Some of them are :

- Delivery businesses : this is one of the business that is going to be at Rick's because we are going to see more of robots carrying out deliveries in the future and no longer humans .

- Production : there are already plenty technological advancement that have taken the place of people in the production sector , and this is definitely going to affect those who may have been surviving on business ideas related to production

Any addition?