Can affiliate marketing be a side hustle?


VIP Contributor
Judging the current economic of the world, it is now obvious that one source of income is not enough to cater for the family.

Everyone is now trying to have more than one source of income. People now know in the importance of building and asset. We all know that it is good to work hard for passive income.

Some people are coming online to discover different ways to make money with little stress.

Affiliate marketing seems to be one of the favourite of the majority of the beginners when it comes to make money online.

Some people like to work online and keep their day job. So I want to ask that can affiliate marketing be a side hustle for someone working for a company?


VIP Contributor
For someone that still other things that he's doing, there is nothing bad in making it side hustling. But for someone that doesn't have anything doing, then he can really face it squarely. He only need to have more than one affiliate marketing is in order to be maximizing profit on them


VIP Contributor
The truth is that most affiliate marketers make more money than nine-to-five jobbers. Alll you need about the affiliate marketing is the proper knowledge and understanding of how it works. You just need to learn the basic things and also learn how to use traffic to make sales whether it is free traffic or paid traffic.


VIP Contributor
It is possible to engage in affiliate marketing seaside house awhile you are ticket to your day job. When I was still active with affiliate marketing, I dedicated my weekends to writing and publishing of review articles on my blog targeting different products to any commission from sales. you just need to create time for what you want to do and stick to it.


Active member
One thing I love about affiliate marketing is that once you are properly settled in it, you can even have it as main source of income without having to undergo much stress. People initially started out using it as a side hustle, but now it is theiy main source of income.