Can Garlic Help if Consumed Regularly?


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Garlic is not only used as a kitchen spice but also has a myriad of health benefits. Today's society is dependent on garlic as a good kitchen spice to add taste and aroma to the delicacy of food they cook.

It also has a number of health benefits if consumed. Consuming garlic can help you maintain your health during any disease. At the same time, you should also remember that the most important thing is to maintain good healthy habits.

In accordance with a recent research, garlic can lower cholesterol total and LDL. For those people who are suffering with high cholesterol, consuming garlic and its supplements can reduce their total and/or LDL cholesterol by about ten to fifteen percent.


Active member
Yes, garlic can helps your body to fight against several dangerous infections and diseases in your body system. They are healthy to consume in fact, you can eat them raw though I do not like taking them raw due to their scent. Garlics are vegetable and are grouped under species of the genus Allium. You can use garlic as flavour by adding it to your dishes and recipes.

Garlic are filled wity multitudinous nutritious compunds that can help s to maintain health lifestyle. A clove of garlic is said to contain many vital nutrients including vitamins, enzymes and amino acids . Garlic also contains sulfur compounds from the amino acid allicin.

Consuming garlic on a daily basis can helps in enhancing your skin. Eating garlic can also prevent acne and lightens pigments or spot, and scars in human body.
Garlic when consumed, has several benefits to human body, one out of the benefits is that it is Antibacterial in nature. Since garlic are natural antibiotic, they can eliminate harmful bacteria in human body.

Garlic are also good for weight loss. They reduces the expression of genes which is responsible for the formation of Adipose cells. They also increase thermogenesis in the human body and this lead to burning of more fat and lowering of bad cholesterol in your body.