Can you truly be wealthy without a passive income?


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Passive income is that income that comes into your life by systems you have built in the past which you don't need to actively be involved for the system to keep producing. Examples of passive income streams are real estate, shares, etc. You don't need to intervene again for them to produce money in your life.

When I see people shouting "I am hustling so I can be rich". I just shrug. Hustling does not make anybody rich. It gives you what to eat and provides basic needs. You need to have a good stream of passive income to truly be wealthy.

When you hustle, you get paid. You use part of the money to eat because you have expanded strength in the pursuit of the hustle. You would use it to replenish the virtues lost as a result of the hustle. In the end, you are left with little to nothing.

Whereas you can decide to invest all of your passive income because it doesn't take anything from you. Thereby, your disposable income increases, and your propensity to make wealth is enhanced.

It is generally considered easier to build wealth if you have a passive income, because passive income is income that you receive on a regular basis without having to work for it. However, it is not impossible to build wealth without a passive income. Many people have done so by saving a high percentage of their income and investing it wisely, or by starting a business and building it up over time. It may take longer to build wealth in this way, and there may be more ups and downs along the way, but it is certainly
here are a few things to consider:
  • Passive income can provide a financial cushion that makes it easier to weather difficult times, such as a recession or a personal financial crisis. If you don't have a passive income, you may have to rely more on your savings or other sources of income to get through tough times.
  • Passive income can also give you more freedom and flexibility in your life. If you have a passive income, you don't have to work as many hours or be as tied to a specific job or career. This can allow you to pursue other interests or opportunities that may not be possible if you were solely reliant on your active income.
  • However, it is important to note that building a passive income takes time and effort. It may require you to invest money upfront in order to set up a passive income stream, such as by purchasing rental properties or starting a business. It may also require ongoing work to maintain and grow the passive income stream.
So while it is certainly possible to be wealthy without a passive income, having a passive income can make it easier to build and maintain wealth over the long term.
When it comes to achieving wealth and financial freedom, the idea of having a passive income is often seen as the key to success. But is it really necessary to have a passive income to become wealthy?

The answer is both yes and no. While having passive income is certainly a great way to become wealthy, it is not the only way. You can certainly become wealthy without passive income, as long as you have the right financial strategies in place.

For example, you could focus on building up your savings and investing in stocks, bonds, and other forms of investments. With the right plan, you could potentially achieve a high rate of return on your investments, which could make you wealthy over time.

You could also focus on building up a business that provides a steady stream of income. This could include starting your own business, becoming a consultant, or even investing in a rental property. With the right strategy, you could achieve a good income that could potentially make you wealthy over time.

Finally, you could focus on building up your skills and using them to earn more money. This could include things like taking on freelance work, teaching classes, or even becoming a mentor. With the right skills and strategies, you could potentially increase your income and become wealthy over time.

Overall, you can certainly become wealthy without a passive income. With the right plan and strategies in place, you could potentially build up a large amount of wealth over time. The key is to focus on creating multiple streams of income and investing in the right investments. By doing so, you will be able to achieve financial freedom and true wealth.
I don't think it is possible to build true wealth without a a passive income source. It allows you to free yourself and build your actve hustle. I think it is important to have a passive income stream.