Career Development


VIP Contributor
The question of what career development is isn't new, but it's a good time for it. We've been talking about the importance of career planning for years, but now more and more people are interested in developing their own skills and moving into positions that they're passionate about.

If you're looking to transition into a new role, or if you're already out of one and thinking about how to get back in, there are a few things you can do to make the transition easier.

Know what kind of work you want to accomplish first. That will help you figure out how much support you need from your company or organization — both financially and emotionally — as well as what skills they're looking for in an employee.

Second, talk to people who already have that job and see if they can guide you towards something similar that would suit your interests better than what they do now. There are plenty of resources available online with tips on how to get back into the field after taking time off, especially if it's been several years since your last job change.

Thirdly (and this is really important), don't wait until your current job ends before figuring out what comes next! If possible.