Causes of iron deficiency anemia


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Anemia mostly occurs when there is a decrease in the level of haemoglobin in the red blood cells and it can also be caused when there is no enough mineral iron in the body like eating foods that are low in iron have a higher risk of developing anemia that is why it is good to eat food like eggs, vegetables and meat as they are rich in iron.
Anemia can also be caused when there is too much of loss of blood due to heavy menstruation or during child birth.
Internal bleeding like ulcer in the stomach, colon cancer or regular use of drug can also cause internal bleed which lead to anemia
Inability to absorb iron causes anemia and affect the intestines
Anemia is a very dangerous condition that needs to be checked. That is why we need to eat foods that are rich in the mineral iron as it is the only mineral that gives or provides blood. Foods like vegetables, roasted bananas are good sources of iron. Someone with anemia will have little energy and will be very diZZY.