Choosing a business my parents think is the best?


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Parents who are already into business tend to make their children believe that they have to continue in the same business which they are leaving for them .

They failed to realise that it is not usually the best option at all since what worked for you during your time may not necessarily work for the child in which you are leaving the business for .

All children who have grown up and have had their own experience may develop interest and passion for something that is completely different from what their parents used to do . It is very important for parents to acknowledge this fact and then try as much as possible to respect their children's decision .

I want you to please suggest what advice you would give to someone whose parents are forcing him to continue in a business line they started in so many years back which is currently successful .

Do you think that it is going to be a very wise idea for such an individual to leave an already existing and successful business to go and start something else that has no full guarantee of ever going to achieve the nature of success that is in the already existing business ?


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Hmmm, this is very true parents are always fund of trying to chart a course for everything that patterns to the life of their children, and this in most cases has not really proven to be the very best for the children they claim to be trying to help. There is this barrister living on my street he has six children and this man forced all his six children to study law. He did it even at the expense of the choice the children has in mind. And today some of the children had travelled abroad to start afresh to study what they was t to study. Some of them said they only studied law just to satisfy their father and now I know one of them that has become an engineer working outside the country. Even there was a time my mummy wanted me to do her kind of business and she said I can do it even when am in school but I told her I felt like doing something else. And today am glad I did what I did. As she is now even learning from me. Because her type of business has fade away with the passage of time.


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In Africa we give somuch respect to our parent and allowed them to make most of the decision that affects out lives, they determine a lot of things that affects our lives, but I think it is okay if they do choose a business they think is good for me because I will never down play on their years of experience they have actually acquired here on planet earth. It is not easy to acquire all that experience it really takes a lot. So whenever they try to make a suggestion I try to look into it seriously and take actions. They have encouraged me and supported me sometime ago when I was selling phone accessory and In fact the business did so we back then and even up till now I still benefit from those ideas they had given me, I know there are some parents who might be selfish and inconsiderate and they may not be so helpful to their children. And in fact i am beginning to wonder why nowadays parents are so keen about money and they do not take care of their children and give them the right advise, so even push their children into illegality.


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It is never ideal in anyway for parents to give their wards command on the kind of career they should choose. Remember, when the child fails, their is nothing to hide, the patents caused it. It is better to give the child that free will to make decisions concerning his or her career to avoid making the mistakes our old parents did with their wards that made them to live under bondage even till today. I can't tie my child down simply given him or her advice on the kind of career I want him or her to follow. I will only advice when the child is making a wrong choice that wouldn't bring forth positives, but changing his or her course of study that is still rich for him or her to follow my own choice gonna be full-time wrong choice. God gave us the free will to do whatever we want in life, he knows it all, but never wanted to be the reason of our lamentation when we fail to hit the stride in life, that's why he allowed humans that free will which animals never merited. So, it will be a nice choice too to offer same free will of career choice to our wards.


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I can only take advise from people that have a proven record of success because everyone else has an opinion in things they have experience and what they don't know, me inclusive.

If your parents are very successful in the line of business you want to venture in then I see no problem in taking up there advise and mentorship because they will do it truthfully without any ulterior motive and you'll be guided thoroughly.

But if they don't have the experience and they want to advise you, then you have to be very cautious and since they are already your parents you can act like you have to be accepted their advise and do what you want to do anyways, don't worry about it even if they find out, they'll respect you that you don't challenge them.

I understand that parents want to be overprotective of their children but you as an adult have a different life to live you should based it off what you want and what's ideal, that's the most important thing, have self respect and respect your self and your decisions, parents are human beings too, their advise cannot always be right, think for yourself.


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Well, there are some facets which our parents idea might be more feasible and productive than what we might have in plans. There are other times when the opinion of our parents should not be taken in its totality but worked upon. It would be very unwise if you choose a business idea solely because it is your parents choice or suggestions, this is just likened to the case of allowing your parents to choose a career for you, which does not match with your interests. Sadly, some people still allow some mindset to becloud their level of reasoning.

When deciding on a business idea, it goes way beyond allowing anyone to decide for you. If the decision tallies with your passion, it could be accepted and inducted with creativity but if the reverse is the case, the best thing is to thank your parents for their concern and suggestion but then, you would forge ahead with plans which would be more productive. I have seen myself in this similar situation where I was practically forced by a parent to take up a particular business else it would not be funded and since this was not my choice, i had to forgo the business.


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If you choose a business merely because your parents "think' it is the best idea, then it means you are not even worthy to be called an entrepreneur and in such business where the family members have already succeeded in making their opinions count, it would not take ample time, the business is bound to dwindle. Our parents are welcomed to give their opinions but when it comes to a point when the want to force their opinions down our throat, it becomes an impeding disaster. Firstly, the parents just thinks and are not sure how feasible the idea they have propounded would be and they might not have any professional skills to decipher the profitability of any business.

When I started out my line of cleaning business, my parents had tried to force me into selling of food items in a nearby market but I refused because I know that I am not driven by the line of business. No doubt, humans consume food everyday and with that, there would be higher chances that I would make sales but motivation n any business plays a vital role in its sustainability and if I had not stood my grounds, it would be difficult to continue successfully.